辽宁招生考试之窗 朝阳招生考试之窗


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时间:2005-07-01 09:51:02   作者:辽宁省招生考试办公室


     Total time: 25 minutes

           The examination consists of five assessed phases:

            A presentation of a topic prepared by the candidate (up to 5 minutes)

            Discussion of the topic presentation with the examiner (up to 5 minutes)

            Interactive task (up to 5 minutes)

            Listening task (3 minutes)

            Conversation on two subject areas selected by the examiner (6 minutes)


Candidate performance

     In performing the required tasks, the candidate is expected to demonstrate the following communicative skills and use the language items listed below.


Communicative skills

   In the Topic presentation phase,

      Present a complex topic with a degree of formality to the examiner, who will probably be unfamiliar with it, structuring and adapting the talk flexibly to meet the examiner’s needs

      Present a clear argument with an effective logical structure which helps the examiner to notice and remember significant points


 In the Topic discussion phase,

      Be able to deal effectively with the examiner input by responding to a variety of conversational gambits and handling difficult questioning


 In the Interactive task phase,

       Control and sustain the discussion at all times

       Actively encourage the examiner collaboration in the task

       Direct the interaction towards a successful conclusion


In the Listening phase,

       Understand texts on abstract and complex topics which may be of a specialist nature beyond his or her own field

       Understand virtually everything heard even when delivered at natural native speaker speed 

        Identify implicit meaning


 In the Conversation phase,

        Hold a discussion unconstrained by linguistic limitations,without showing signs of having to restrict what he or she wants to say

        Introduce his or her contribution into the joint discourse with natural turn-taking and referencing

Demonstrate the ability to make an unobtrusive substitution for a word or expression he or she is unable to recall


 There are no subject areas stated for this grade. Candidates should be able to make use of a wide range of vocabulary items relating to all previous subject areas.


 At this grade, candidates are expected to be able to enter into a discussion on any subject which the examiner deems appropriate for the individual candidate. The age of the candidate will be taken into account when the examiner makes his or her choice.



page 54





         expressing empathy and sympathy






Language production


The candidate is expected to demonstrate the ability to use the items listed below.


 A comprehensive and reliable mastery of a very wide range of language to formulate thoughts precisely, give emphasis and eliminate ambiguity

     Differing linguistic forms to reformulate ideas to convey finer shades of meaning



A range of idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms

Language of empathy and sympathy e.g.I see what  you mean but? That must have been very difficult…

Expressions used to introduce contradiction or assertion e.g. well, I dont see it like that…, That may be true for you…


Produce individual sounds so as to be fully understood by the examiner, with

have been very difficult?       

Expressions used to introduce contradiction or assertion e.g. Well, I don’t see

only a rare sound that deviates from an internationally intelligible model Stress and intonation patterns which are recognisably specific to English without any lapses in intelligibility.

     In addition to the items listed for previous grades


     Examiner and candidate language

     The sample exchanges below show some ways in which examiners and candidates might express themselves during the conversation. These are only examples, not models to be learned.


            Examiner                                          Candidate

                                       Because it’s a subject I’ve long been interested in,

                                       as well as being an extremely controversial one,

                                       I’ve decided to talk today about IVF (in vitro              fertilization). I’ll start by explaining what it entails, then look at its success rate and finally try to summarize its benefits for parents who would otherwise have been unable to have a family.


  If you yourself happened to be in this situation,    I suppose that would depend entirely on my

  would you be prepared to fork out the hefty       circumstances at the time and those of my

  sum they charge for this treatment?               partner. Ideally, of course, there wouldn’t be any  charge, so that anyone of any financial standing would be able to benefit from it.


 A law has recently been passed which makes   I certainly think it’s essential to have such a law.

 it illegal for people to use their mobile phones  Why do you think they haven’t publicized it more widely?

  whilst driving but it’s hardly been publicized at all.            


 Although eco-tourism seems to be gaining in       It’s pretty alarmed at what is

going on. As I told

 popularity, there’s convincing evidence that      you, I spend a lot of my time

commuting between the Far East and Europe on

 mass travel is getting out of hand. What’s        business and it seems that the tourist hordes are still increasing with disastrous effects on local ecologies. To give you just one example,

your feeling on the issue?


                                                                                                                                    I think it’s hilarious how in Britain we now    Maybe it might have something to do with the fact

have more TV cookery programmes than ever  that you work longer hours than any other

before, and yet more and more people are     country in Europe, so by the time you get home

buying ready meals or eating out. It’s weird,    you’re too exhausted to do anything but sit in

isn’t it? Can you suggest any explanation?      front of the TV with a tray of fast food.

     Grade 12 communicative skills and functions relate to C2 level (Common European Framework).