辽宁招生考试之窗 朝阳招生考试之窗


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时间:2005-07-01 09:50:23   作者:辽宁省招生考试办公室


Total time: 25 minutes

The examination consists of five assessed phases:

A presentaion of a topic prepared by the candidate(up to 5 minutes).

Discussion of the topic presentation with the examiner(up to 5 minutes)

Interactive task(up to 5 minutes)

Listening task(3minutes)

Conversation on two subject areas selected by the examiner(6 minutes)

Candidate performance

In performing the required task, the candidate is expected to demonstrate the following communicative skills and use the language items listed below.

Communicative skills

In the topic presentation phase,

Give a presentation, informative in nature, on a chosen subject, with an identifiable structure and sequence, using discourse connectors and cohesive devices

   Introduce the presentation, develop particular points, give supporting reasons and examples and conclude


In the Topic discussion phase,

   Invite questions and comments from the examiner about the content of the presentation

   Engage the examiner in a discussion of some of the points made

   Respond to the examiner requests for clarification or elaboration

   Be prepared to defend a point of view and develop an argument further


In the Interactive task phase,

  Take the responsibility for the direction and maintenance of the interaction

  Utilize turn-taking conventions to ensure that the interaction flows and develops naturally

  Relate his or her own contributions closely to those of the examiner


In the Listening phase,

   Understand a range of spoken texts and recognize implicit meaning

   Use contextual, grammatical and lexical cues to identify attitude, mood and intentions and anticipate what follows

   Use knowledge of grammar, lexis and register to identify context and participants from a piece of discourse


In the Conversation phase,

   Share the responsibility with the examiner for the maintenance of the conversation

   Offer new contributions to influence the direction of the conversation

   Participate without much obvious searching for expressions


     Two subject areas for discussion will be selected by the examiner from the appropriate list below.


     Roles in the family                              International events

     Bullying                                      Equal opportunities

     The school curriculum                           Social issues

     Youth behavior                                 The future of the planet

     Use of the internet                              Scientific developments

     Designer goods                                 Stress management





        developing an argument

        defending a point of view

        expressing beliefs

        expressing opinions tentatively

        summarizing information, ideas and arguments





Language production

  The candidate is expected to demonstrate the ability to use the items listed below.



 the basic structures specified for Grade 6 and below,exercising consistent control

         the more complex structures of Grades 7 to 9,though errors may occur when attempting to use combinations of these structures across sentence boundaries


 vocabulary specific to the topic and subject areas

         modifying words e.g. basically,quite,certainly

         intensifiers e.g. absolutely,completely,totally

         tentative expressions e.g.I may be wrong but? Don’t you think it might be?                       

 ‘signposting’ words e.g. firstly, finally


         the correct pronunciation of topic and subject area specific vocabulary

         sounds with minimal L1 transfer

         a range of stress and intonation patterns, pitch and volume to engage and maintain the examiner’s interest signal the provision of new information indicate discourse structure

     ---In addition to the items listed for previous grades


Examiner and candidate language


The sample exchanges below show some ways in which examiners and candidates might express themselves during the conversation. These are only examples, not models to be learned.


Examiner                                  Candidate

Im surprised that you thought that it   Wellthe reason I said that was that it might

 wasnt a good idea to distribute the    easily have fallen into the wrong bands.

Aid immediately.                     So do you have any questions about any of

Whats your view on the increase in     the points Ive talked about?

Smoking among young people in recent  Of course I may be wrongbut I believe

years?                              its largely been caused by the influence

How common is bullying in your school   of television.

and how is it dealt with?                Unfortunately its quite common. We

If we dont stop the industrialized        have a school council which interviews

Nations from damaging the earthwhat         bullies and tries to make them more responsible

do you think will happen in future?             for their actions.

In your viewwhat are the main dangers of      Im afraid that if will very soon be too

using the internet?                      late to save the planet. We can see the

Are opportunities for women more equal    evidence of global warming all around

these days than they used to be?                us. What s your opinion?

Do you think person influenced you?             For some of my friendsits become an

If you hadnt decided to go into dentistry  obsession. They seem to regard it as

what do you think youd have done?       more important than spending time

together after school.

Until a few years agoa woman could

Be doing exactly the same work as a

Man and earning less money.

I think she could have influenced me

Although I didnt realize it at the

time. I must have been quite naive


Id probably have become a lawyer...



     Total time: 25 minutes

           The examination consists of five assessed phases:

           A presentation of a topic prepared by the candidate (up to 5 minutes)

           Discussion of the topic presentation with the examiner (up to 5 minutes)

           Interactive task (up to 5 minutes)

           Listening task (3 minutes)

           Conversation on two subject areas selected by the examiner (6 minutes)


Candidate performance

     In performing the required tasks, the candidate is expected to demonstrate the following communicative skills and use the language items listed below.


Communicative skills

    In the Topic presentation phase,

      Give a presentation, discursive in nature, on a chosen subject, with an identifiable structure, using discourse connectors and cohesive devices and showing controlled use of organizational patterns

     Introduce the presentation, develop particular points, expand and support points of view at some length with subsidiary points, integrate sub-themes and conclude


 In the Topic discussion phase,

       Be prepared to justify the ideas and opinions given in the presentation

       Encourage the examiner to comment and give his/her opinion on the ideas etc. provided in the presentation

       Respond to challenges made by the examiner


 In the Interactive task phase,

       Take full responsibility for maintaining the flow of conversation by changing the direction of the conversation when a particular line of questioning dries up

       Negotiate towards a successful conclusion to the interaction


 In the Listening phase,

      Understand inferences and pick up on phonological clues

      Demonstrate the ability to recognize a range of idiomatic expressions and        colloquialisms


In the Conversation phase,

       Anticipate the direction of the conversation and cope with topic shifts

       Demonstrate the ability to infer and extract meaning from vague or imprecise language

       Evaluate and challenge statements and arguments made by the examiner



        Two subject areas for discussion will be selected by the examiner from the appropriate list below.


              Independence                     The media

              Ambitions                        Advertising

              Stereotypes                       Lifestyles

              Role models                      The arts

              Competitiveness                   The rights of the individual

              Young people’s rights               Economic issues




         justifying an argument


         softening and downplaying propositions

         expressing caution

         challenging arguments and opinions

         evaluating different standpoints

         expressing reservations



Language production

     The candidate is expected to demonstrate the ability to use the items listed below.



All the basic structures specified for Grade 6 and below, exercising complete control

        The more complex structures of Grades 7 to 9,used in combination and contrast, with only very occasional lapses


       Expressions used before challenging e.g. That’s a good point but? Perhaps I    

didn’t explain my point clearly ?

  Expressions for downplaying and softening e.g. It’s quite difficult, If I could

just ask

      Signposting expressions e.g. Id like to begin with ?,On the other

hand ?,So to sum up ? 

Language of caution e.g. It tends to be, It seems as if

        Vague and imprecise language e.g. a bit more, a hundred  people or so



        The correct pronunciation of topic and subject area specific vocabulary

        Various features of topic and subject area specific vocabulary

        A range of stress and intonation patterns, pitch and volume to convey subtle shifts in meaning and attitude

     In addition to the items listed for previous grades



     Examiner and candidate language

     The sample exchanges below show some ways in which examiners and candidates might express themselves during the conversation. These are only examples, not models to be learned.


            Examiner                                          Candidate

                                      So to sum up, all the results of the research I have

                                      done point to this being a growing and extremely                                                               serious problem for our society.

 These two politicians obviously have       For my partI tend to agree with the

Diametrically opposed points of view.       minister. The evidence overwhelmingly

Which one do you find more convincing?    Suggests that hes right about the

Increase in the level of violent crime

Since prison sentences were reduced.

What do you infer from the fact that this      Its quite difficult to be certainbut

Problem has increased by over200% in the    I would suspect that it means that the

Last five years?                          forces of law and order are much less

Effective than they used to be.

Thats probably as a result of…

Two months agoit was advertised in the   So what kind of job did it turn out to be?

Newspaper that there was a fantastic new    And were you short-listed?

Opportunity in a television company.       

Admittedlythe advert was quite small

So that perhaps should have implied something

Anyway, I think theyre more interesting.

Anyway, I applied for it.

Im fascinated by TV advertisements-      Oh really? Well, I cant entirely agree

Sometimes I think theyre more interesting  with you there. Specially at Christmas

than the programmes. And I dont          they put a lot of pressure on less well-

understand the complaints about them        off parents to buy their kids expensive

persuading poor families to buy things        presents just because theyve seen

they dont really need.                    them on the telly.

For me, the simple life is the best. I loathe     Well, this is a very prosperous area

Having lots of unnecessary possessions.       With a lot of extremely rich families,

What about you?                          So most people are quite

                                        Exhibitionist-always looking out for

                                        Some new acquisition to show off

                                        their affluence. But personallyI tend to agree with you…

How powerful would you say the media are   I would say the influence of television

in you country?                          is quite strong. The state channels try to influence us politically but they dont succeed.And the independent channels take a more objective view…


     Grade 11 communicative skills and functions relate to higher C1 Level (Common European Framework).